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December 12, 2021
Maddie Lemay

I’m six months into owning a website copywriting business that preaches the importance of consistent blog writing, and I’m a little embarrassed that I’m just getting around to adding a blog post tab for my own website.

I’m used to checking off all my boxes at the end of the day (if you’re familiar with the enneagram, it’s very apparent that I’m a three). But after starting my own business, I came to the realization all entrepreneurs, parents, and students know well: sometimes, the to-do lists are too long to complete in a day, or a week, or a month.

And because the to-dos for my clients have been my top priority the past six months, I didn’t have the space to start my own blog until I was six months into this thing… even though blog writing is one of the services I offer for my clients!

So, friends, picture me here, finally writing my first mini blog post, waving to you on the other end of your computer screen. I’m probably holding a coffee mug in my left hand, and my four-month-old Goldendoodle puppy is probably sitting in my lap. I’m so glad to finally be here. I’m excited to use this platform to share my work, ideas, progress, and life with you.

You’ll see new posts here regularly. Some will be about the copywriting industry itself. Some will be about how you can use storytelling to sell your services, increase your conversion rate, or earn donations. Some will be about my behind-the-scenes experiences as a freelance journalist. Some might be about my personal life and how I landed here.

Lastly: In the next few weeks and months, my business will be making some exciting announcements and changes.

Be sure you follow me on Instagram and LinkedIn to stay on top of any new blog posts, and subscribe to my email list (below) to be the first to hear of my exciting announcements!

I hope you’ll follow along with me as I fly by the seat of my pants as a new entrepreneur who just wants to share her love for writing with the difference-makers of the world.

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