Creating Content is like Showing up to the Gym

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September 12, 2024
Maddie Lemay
December 8, 2024
Copywriting Advice

Keep showing up and you’ll get stronger.

I pulled up to the parking lot and waddled through the front doors of my gym, Lifetime Fitness in White Bear Lake Minnesota. It was my baby’s due date, and this was the only place I felt sane after nine months of pregnancy.

I walked into my normal workout class – a crossfit-like conditioning class that’s hard even when you’re not nine months pregnant – and nearly burst into tears when the other women in my class rushed over to me. “You’re still here!” They squealed.

I did hundreds of jump ropes, step ups, and ball slams that day.

Still… nothing.

A week later, my baby, Lewis, was born. I went to the gym nearly every day until then, and each time, people looked at me like I was a bomb ready to explode.

I received comments along the lines of: “How are you still here?” And my answer was always the same: “How could I not show up?”

My workout routine isn’t pretty, and no, I’ve never had a six-pack. But I just feel better when I’m active, and after several years of showing up consistently, I crave it like I used to despise it.

I think writing content is similar.

Habits create cravings

Three years ago I was burned out from starting my business and I didn’t take care of myself. As someone who describes myself as active, I was anything but. I spent 10 to 12 hours each day in front of a computer screen, obsessing over my business. My head and neck ached incessantly. I skipped meals and rarely grocery shopped or cooked real food.

At my doctor’s recommendation, I bought a gym membership and started taking classes.

They were horrible. Every day, I had to force myself to show up. I’d have to step out of the room to catch my breath several times during the workouts, and I’d be sore for days.

But I kept showing up. I showed up, and I showed up, and I showed up. Over time, I began to see familiar faces who also showed up, and we got to know each other in between reps and heaving breaths. I realized that if I stopped showing up, my new gym buddies would notice. So I kept going.

When I found out I was pregnant last fall, I was nauseous and tired all the time. But I told myself I’d continue with my workout routine no matter how I felt. Not because I wanted to look a certain way, but because I actually craved the workouts.

My consistency, over time, created a craving to sweat – to the point where I didn’t want to give it up just because things felt harder in pregnancy.

And I think consistency works the same way with our businesses – particularly with creating content.

If you’re thinking about how to be consistent with your blog, email, and social media content this year, let me warn you: everything in the universe will conspire against your ability to get it done.

Picture me in your office (or wherever you’re working) like an athletic trainer in your ear: You've got to keep showing up to start seeing results – just like working out.

Do it again and again and again, until showing up is the easy part, and the idea of skipping it becomes harder.

But if you’re anything like me with working out, you can’t show up all by yourself and crank out an efficient workout. You need a roadmap to follow.

Here is how to get started showing up consistently with your content.

1. Identify Your Goals

Much like starting a new workout routine, you can't make progress if you don’t know what results you want to see. Ask yourself: What do I want my content to achieve? Are you trying to attract new clients, build trust with your audience, or educate them on a specific topic? Once you’re clear on the purpose, you’ll have a better understanding of what type of content to create and how often to post.

(If you’re not sure how to do this, book a call with me and I can get your wheels turning).

2. Start Small and Build Momentum

Just like when I started going to the gym, I wasn’t ready to run a marathon again on day one. The same goes for content creation. If you’re just getting started, set small, achievable goals, like publishing one blog post a month, sending out a newsletter bi-weekly, or posting on social media twice a week. As you build consistency, your audience will start expecting to hear from you, and you’ll develop the “craving” to keep creating.

3. Batch Your Content

Set aside a couple of hours each week or month to batch-produce your blogs, emails, or social posts. This way, even when life gets busy or things go sideways, you’ve already got content ready to go.

4. Be Accountable

When I was at the gym, my workout buddies kept me accountable. If I didn’t show up, they’d ask about it. The same goes for your content. Find a way to stay accountable, whether that’s working with a business coach, hiring a content creator (like me!), or simply telling your audience when to expect new content from you. When people are counting on you, it’s a lot harder to let it slide.

5. Celebrate Your Wins

Remember, consistency builds over time. It took me months of showing up at the gym before I felt strong again, and it may take some time before you see the results of your content efforts. But every time you post a blog or send an email, celebrate it! Each piece of content is a win that brings you closer to your goals.

Now, go write that blog post. Show up again tomorrow. Repeat.

And before you know it, you’ll have created a habit—and a brand—that’s stronger than you ever thought possible.

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